Deliver apps to any device

Provide a consistent way for users to access all of your approved software on any device, anywhere, for both Windows and non-Windows devices.
Application delivery and deployment is an increasing challenge for organizations, and no more so in Higher Education where there's a large user base, a wide variety of applications and different device types, on and off campus. How do you support all of these end-users in a consistent way, providing them all with the same level of access to software, wherever they are, on any device?
Many IT admins often think of a VDI solution as being the silver bullet when it comes to delivering software to any device. And while that might be the case in some scenarios, the reality is that maintaining a full VDI stack to support all your end-users and all your applications simply isn't possible.
AppsAnywhere is a platform through which you can provide access to all your approved software, on managed devices and BYO devices. You can deliver virtualize and deliver Windows apps to both Windows and non-Windows devices, and you can also deliver macOS apps to managed and personal Mac devices. And the best bit is, all this is done through a single centralized portal that is accessible in a consistent way on every device.
A central point of access on any device
AppsAnywhere gives you a centralized platform through which you can distribute, manage and access all your university-approved software titles. Windows, macOS, SaaS, web, virtualized, remote, desktop and mobile; all your apps in one place on any device.

Deliver software to non-Windows devices
AppsAnywhere's native integration with Parallels Remote Application Server (RAS) enables you to deliver your Windows software to any Windows or non-Windows device across campus. So you can deliver Windows-only applications to students using macOS, tablets and other device types.
Combine best-of-breed virtualization tools
AppsAnywhere integrates with the leading application deployment tools and gives you a way to bring them all together so your end-users can access their resources wherever and whenever. Deliver apps and desktops to any device thanks to integrations with Parallels RAS, Citrix, VMware and Jamf Pro.

Full support for Chromebooks
Chromebooks are becoming increasingly popular across campuses; their excellent value and simplicity is of great appeal to many students. But for IT, how do you make your Windows applications available for Chromebook users? AppsAnywhere enables the delivery of Windows software right into any HTML5-enabled browser!